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About Jonathan


Photo of the artist Jonathan Owen,artist,printmaker,prints,Giclees,silkscreens,watercolours,etchings


Royal College of Art. M.A. (RCA). Graphic Design / Printmaking
Bristol Polytechnic, Faculty of Art and Design. B. A. ( 1st. Class Honours ) Fine Art.
Central School of Art and Design. Foundation Studies.

Lecturer, Fine Art Printmaking, Newport College of Art, Wales, U.K.
Lecturer, Foundation Studies, Dyfed College of Art, Wales, U.K.

"Go On." Album cover for Mr. Mister and R.C.A. Records.
"Johnny Rocket's." Painting of the original diner chain, Melrose Ave., Los Angeles.
"Welcome to the Real World." Album cover for Mr. Mister and R.C.A. Records.

1986 - "Print is an unlimited edition" interview, Los Angeles Times Calendar

1981 - "A Couple of Artists" feature, Orange County Register, Showcase Section.
1977 - B.B.C. Television, film feature and interview, "Wales today."

Reeves Entertainment, Burbank, California.
Mogul Entertainment, Beverly Hills.
University of California, Los Angeles.
Shearson - Lehman Bros., New York.
Museum of Art and Archaeology, University of Missouri, Columbia.
National Museum of Wales, Cardiff, U.K.
Dyfed County Museum, Wales, U,K.
Welsh Art's Council, Wales, U.K.
Many private collections.

Prizewinner, National Print Exhibition, Mall Galleries, London; Whatman International Paper Prize.
1980 - 1995 - Laguna Festival of Arts, Laguna Beach, California.
U.S./U.K. Print Collection International Travelling Show.
          - Barbican Art Center, London, U.K.
          - Salford Museum & Art Gallery, U.K.
          - Mead Gallery, University of Warwick, Coventry, U.K.
          - Royal West of England Academy, Bristol, U.K.
          - Brighton Polytechnic Gallery, U.K.
          - Ramsgate Library Gallery, U.K.
Prizewinner, Third International Biennial Print Exhibition, Taiwan, China -Honourable Mention. 
"Artspace", Birmingham, Michigan.
Prizewinner, Southern California Expo., Del Mar. Honourable Mention.               
Prizewinner, Heart of America National Print Exhibition, University of Missouri, Purchase Prize.
La Grange National XI, Georgia.          
"The Art of Rock." Carol Covington Gallery, San Francisco,
Long Beach Art's Assoc. 79th Open Juried Exhibition, California.
Los Angeles Printmaking Society Member's Show, Brand Library, Glendale, California.
Prizewinner, Beverly Hills "Fair in the Gardens", First Place Prize, Printmaking.
Prizewinner, Long Beach Art's Assoc. 78th Open Juried Exibition, California. Honourable Mention.
Fine Art Institute 20th  Annual Juried Exhibition, San Bernardino County Museum, California.
Brand XV, Brand Library, Glendale, California.
"Contemporary Prints From All Over", University City Art's League, Philadelphia.
Andrew Knight Gallery, Cardiff, Wales, U.K.
Prizewinner, Beverly Hills "Fair in the Gardens", Second Place Prize,Printmaking.
Los Angeles Printmaking Society, New Members Show.
Prizewinner, Southern California Expo., Del Mar, California. Honourable Mention.
Multiple Image Gallery, Palm Beach, Florida.
Chapter Prints, Cardiff, Wales, U.K.
Dyfed County Museum, Two - Person Show, Wales, U.K. 
Prizewinner, Welsh National Eisteddfod, Cardiff, Wales, U.K. Purchase Prize, Printmaking.
West Wales Art's Association, One - Person Show, Wales.
Nicholas Treadwell Gallery, "Harsh Reality", London, U.K.
Midland's Art Center, Birmingham, U.K.
R.C.A. Printmakers, London, U.K.
Cheltenham Young Printmakers.
Zella 9 Gallery, London, U.K.
Bristol Arts Centre.  

© Jonathan Owen 2012